Ladislaus Shikerete, an employee of the Rundu Town Council, has said that his creation of bricks made from recycled plastic and sand was meant to solve the town’s solid waste management problems.

“What motivated me was the fact that the town was dirty. It got me thinking about how I could play my part as a resident by assisting in keeping Rundu clean. Three years ago, I started researching this initiative,” he explained. Shikerete said the brick is made uniquely as opposed to a traditional cement brick. He uses plastic from bottles to bags and wrapping that he melts in a pot.

Shikerete, who employs two people, has urged Rundu residents to avoid discarding plastics bags in open areas, and to rather put them to good use. “Whoever is throwing plastic away should avoid doing so. When they see plastic bags, let them see that you can be able to take them somewhere, where they can be compensated.

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