For the first time since we were all forcefully thrown into remote work in 2020, it finally feels like the debate surrounding it is settling down.

Companies that wanted their teams back in the office have enacted relevant policies. Meanwhile, employees enamored with remote work have lots of options, with vacancies offering just that. Also, many workplaces have adopted hybrid ways of working to get the best of both worlds, with studies reporting more than half of working Americans having the opportunity to work remotely at least once a week.

That means that for a majority of employees, remote work remains a core part of their day-to-day life because, even when you work fully in-person if you have a colleague joining from home, you inevitably get sucked into a remote work dynamic. For many, this continues to be a challenge — remote work has its own specifics regarding communication, collaboration and general etiquette, which don’t come naturally to everyone.

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