I’ve had many jobs in the past. I haven’t followed any linear pattern; my career decisions have been based on a) desperation b) spontaneity and c) intrigue. Because of my experience as a career butterfly, I have met a lot of people; some are featured throughout this book. I have gathered knowledge from different industries, environments and roles. I’ve spent time with people at all stages of their careers, giving me the opportunity to understand, learn and observe how they do what they do. From billionaires, royalty, celebrities, film directors and psychologists, to small start-up offices and huge glass buildings. Because of this range of experiences, I regard myself as of an office sponge. 

Even though it’s beautiful, this book is a product of angst, smothered in the uncertainty and confusion of my twenties. It will provide you with the insights that I wish I’d had at the start of my career, but make no mistake, they never stop being helpful, no matter what stage you’re at in life.

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