Why Being Impatient Can Be Good For Your Career

Impatience has long been a characteristic that people try to improve, control, or reduce. “Good things come to those who wait,” goes the common wisdom. But what if impatience is actually good for your career? As a matter of fact, it may be exactly what you need to get...

Stop Saying ‘I’m Sorry’ at Work

For many people, saying “I’m sorry” after certain situations, even those that don’t require an apology, is second nature. But over-apologizing can backfire, especially in the workplace: It can make others think less of you, lower your...

Managing Talent to Cultivate Character, Competency, Career

On June 21, 2002, the United Kingdom confirmed that Ukraine had destroyed a Russian vessel in the Black Sea. The strike was considered a game-changer for Ukraine, now viewed as a talented underdog in the Russia-Ukraine war. This also sparked a conversation about how...

I Built a Career on a 2nd-grade Education

In the last few years, finding work has become even more of a challenge for people who are unemployed. I remember when my now-wife was laid off early in our relationship and how she struggled to find a new job, even though she was highly educated and had...