It only takes an idea and $50 to create an LLC online today. From a technology perspective, a small business owner can replicate anything that a larger corporation can.

Bill Furlong, founder, and CEO of SquareStack and author of “Appify Your Business” says today’s economy is often referred to as the gig economy. This is about the trend of companies to hire both part-time or temporary workers who work on a project and on an as-needed basis. In the gig economy, the classic small business is the one-person business. According to a 2017 report from employee staffing firm Kelly, there are approximately 50 million free agents in the U.S., a full one-third of our domestic economy.

“You have this emerging class of solopreneurs, which are both millennials and zillennials and of course, boomers, who are just guns for hire. They want to do their craft as a single freelancer. So, all these sorts of societal trends are building up to this ecosystem called the gig economy,” says Furlong.

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