Retired people need to stay busy and it never hurts to make extra cash, especially when you’re on a fixed income. If you’re thinking of working while retired, let’s go over some of the best part-time jobs for retirees. Here are our nine picks that can offer you the income and flexibility you need to thrive in retirement.
You can also work with a financial advisor to create a retirement plan that works for you.
If you’re heading into retirement, but still love where you work, you could try to transition into a part-time role at your current job. There’s high potential for this being a healthy transition into retirement. That’s why it’s on our list as one of the best part-time jobs for retirees. Many workplaces are willing to offer transition periods where employees scale down their hours over time.
If that’s not feasible in your current position, you may know of other openings in the company that you could easily slot into. You can use your connections and reputation to secure a part-time job somewhere familiar for your retirement.
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