According to published reports, cyberattacks in the U.S. jumped 57% in 2022 — and 38% globally — compared to 2021, as smaller, more agile hacker and ransomware gangs drove much of the activity. Many attacks targeted smaller businesses, which points up why they may benefit from Cyber Security training. Just as a good cyber defense will utilize a layered approach, a robust Cyber Security training program designed by an experienced outsourced IT support partner will address issues in a multifaceted manner, recognizing that employees are at the front lines.

Phishing — a form of social engineering where attackers trick users into revealing sensitive information or installing malware such as ransomware — is the leading infection vector, so an effective Cyber Security training program will begin by guarding against phishing and other social engineering attacks. The core of such a program will center on three words: “Do. Not. Click.” The goal is to get employee users to resist the temptation to click an attached file or a hyperlink unless a) they were expecting it and b) the authenticity has been verified. More than 90 percent of attacks begin with a phishing email, so even if an email appears to come from a trusted source, a user should verify it with the source before opening the attachment. It is as easy as picking up a phone and calling the source on an authenticated number or sending an email to them via an authenticated address and asking if they did indeed send the email and attachment.

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