While music, TV shows and even social media app preference are typically used to highlight generational divides, in-office experiences are possibly the most telling way to separate Gen X and Millennials from their Gen Z counterparts. 

A recent study conducted by Wall Street Prep revealed that recent finance grads—many of whom missed out on in-person internship opportunities because of the pandemic—are less experienced than those who came before them and ill equipped to hit the ground running.

“Despite massive investments in training programs, the harsh reality is that many juniors show up at the desk on day one completely unprepared and require significant hand-holding from the business to be productive,” wrote Alex Gorbansky, managing director of corporate training at Wall Street Prep. 

“With COVID officially over and juniors now in the office, the pressure is on for learning and development (L&D) to re-imagine training around skill-based programs that produce as close to desk-ready analysts as possible.”

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