Gig Economy: Some Hope for Jobs during COVID

Hundreds of thousands of Australians are out of work as a result of COVID-19, but a QUT expert says some may find new jobs through digital platforms, particularly in areas like food delivery, writing, law, accountancy, home maintenance, IT or graphic design. More than...

Apps Every Freelancer Needs

Life as a freelancer comes with many freedoms but also a significant amount of responsibility. You’re in charge of setting your own hours, negotiating your own contracts, making sure you get paid, managing your expenses and taxes, and everything else your...

Best Work-from-Home Gadgets & Tools

Free can only get you so far and while we’re definitely all set with geeking out in our rooms with an ever-growing catalogue of free entertainment to consume wholesale, many of us still have to put on our work shirts to show up on webcam meetings, and so on. As such,...

Best Gig Economy Apps

The gig economy sometimes seems like a giant free-for-all, and in many ways it is. So, let us try to help you make sense of it, especially as it relates to spotting the best gig economy apps. To give you a quick big-picture overview, the gig economy has grown by leaps...