The lines between work and home life can easily become blurred. Such lines became even more blurry during the pandemic, when many children did not attend school in person while their parents worked from home exclusively. Such situations made it hard for everyone to differentiate between working hours and family time.

Prior to the pandemic, many professionals had already begun to check emails while on vacation, whiles others fielded questions from the office on sick days. Stress comes with the territory for many working professionals, and that stress has the potential to trickle down into family life if parents are not careful.

According to the Australian Psychological Society’s “Stress and Well-being Report,” 31 percent of people cite work as a leading cause of stress. In addition, 92 percent of all serious work-related mental health condition claims were attributed to mental stress. The Anxiety Disorders Association of America indicates 40 percent of people experience persistent stress or excessive anxiety in their daily lives, much of which is attributed to work.

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