If you’ve been thinking about getting a side hustle, you’re in good company. Zapier reports that 40% of Americans held down a side gig in 2022. And if you’re able to carve out the time for a second job, the extra cash might benefit your finances in a very big way.

If you have credit card debt, for example, a side hustle could be your ticket to whittling it away. If your emergency fund needs work, a side hustle could make it possible to build up some cash reserves. And if you’re trying to buy a home, a side hustle could help you get closer to your down payment.

Now, I’ll admit that these days, I don’t really work a side hustle per se. That’s because I’m a self-employed freelance writer. So when I take on additional clients, I don’t consider it a side hustle so much as an extension of the job I already do.

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