There are things you see in yourself that everyone else sees. There are things you see in yourself that nobody else sees. You have a shot at addressing both of these kinds of things if they get in the way. There are things you don’t see in yourself and others also don’t see. This may or not be a problem.

But the things others see in you that you don’t — those are blind spots, and they can be career killers. Let’s say that everyone knows you are a bad listener, but you don’t see yourself that way at all. There’s not much chance that you’ll become a better listener. And when being a bad listener impairs your ability to do your job well, you may just lose that job and never see it coming.

An important key to success in business and in leadership is self-awareness. There are many definitions of self-awareness, including ‘being in touch with your aura,’ but my operational definition is “the ability to see yourself the way others see you, and the ability to cope effectively with that.”

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