15 Gig Economy Jobs To Boost Your Income

Nowadays, almost everyone knows someone who is or has been part of the gig economy. And for good reason! Gig economy jobs are a great way to make money quickly, whether it’s alongside a regular full-time job or if freelancing is your full-time job. In fact,...

Future of Work: No Job Titles?

Do job titles limit the full potential of your workforce? This is the all-important question facing many HR leaders today as we move towards a skills-based future. As the debate between job titles vs no job titles continues, some organizations have already made...

Hiring Freelancers: When You Need To

As of February 2024, Upwork estimates that there are 76.4 million freelancers in the United States, which is an increase of 3.1 million from 2023. This number is expected to continue to grow, reaching 79.6 million in 2025, 83 million in 2026, 86.5 million in...